00:00:06 Matt Concordia
OK. We are back.We had some technical difficulties whole week.
00:00:11 Chris Gonzalez
Maybe it's beinga challenge.
00:00:13 Matt Concordia
It's been achallenge we were trying to record a session. We had some fire alarms goingoff, we had Internet falling out. We had a whole mess of things. So we are backthough this is this is it. I'm super excited. If you guys don't know already.
00:00:26 Matt Concordia
My name is Mattand this is Chris. Today we are going to continue our testing session with yourUSD and back testing chill so.
00:00:33 Chris Gonzalez
00:00:36 Chris Gonzalez
Yes, very excitedabout this one. Like to be honest, when we started, I was really hyped up.
00:00:42 Chris Gonzalez
Oh, here's oursecond attempt, guys.
Hope you enjoy.
00:00:45 Matt Concordia
Yep, let's go.Let's go. Let's go. Let's dive into the charts. Quick time. And here we are.This is your USD on the weekly. So. Yeah. Chris, what are you thinking from theweekly year? What? What is?
00:00:59 Matt Concordia
It looking liketo you.
00:01:01 Chris Gonzalez
It seems likeit's going down. We can see that we took a previous weekly high.
00:01:07 Chris Gonzalez
Prior our currentweek and also if you pay attention, we have like this BPR to the left that hasbeen respected for multiple weeks.
00:01:17 Chris Gonzalez
Bodies can closeabove it, so it seems like we're going down and if you zoom in a little bit.
00:01:26 Matt Concordia
Just going tomark out this.
00:01:26 Matt Concordia
Order blockQuickTime.
00:01:27 Chris Gonzalez
Yeah, don't worry.In that order book as well above the BPR to the left for people watching us.And as you can see, easy target is that weekly low.
00:01:40 Chris Gonzalez
The first one.
00:01:42 Chris Gonzalez
And if you payclose attention, you have those two. So that's a lot of sell side liquidity,yeah, nested or price to to take it eventually in my opinion. And last time itwill be that low that you that you just marked out. So that's what I'm sayingdude.
00:02:01 Matt Concordia
Agreed. Agreed. Ithink it's. Yeah, we got. We have a beautiful swing point here up here. We tookit that weekly high. We actually hit it hit that. You see this, this big Wick,this rejection block.
00:02:12 Matt Concordia
Measure. Italmost gets up to that 50% there and we die off and create a swing point. Sonow I mean, you're just looking at downside. You could even look at thisrejection block right here, see that WIC. You see how we closed through thebottom of that? Very, very likely that this week we just retest that and starthitting down into this low and these lows have potentially even all the waydown.
00:02:33 Matt Concordia
Here. So that'swhat that's.
00:02:35 Matt Concordia
What we'relooking at there, where are we at what time is it? We're at midnight, so let'sjust Fast forward quick to.
00:02:43 Matt Concordia
To New Yorksession. And so you could see there we touched that level and start breakingback down very, very likely that we're just going to come back down and.
00:02:54 Matt Concordia
Take out theselows, yeah.
00:02:56 Matt Concordia
For our againsame thing, looking at it to come down, it's probably just to respect that,that traffic, there's a lot of traffic, no real reason to be popping up,especially because we closed below that 50% of that rejection block. And so youcan see we test it and break back down. We're we're showing signs that.
00:03:17 Matt Concordia
You know, this isreally weak. This is really, really weak.
00:03:20 Matt Concordia
00:03:21 Matt Concordia
And from thelower timeframe we have this purge on liquidity up here last sequence of upcandles right here.
00:03:30 Matt Concordia
OK, last sequenceof our candles right here. And that is just very clearly going to the downside.
00:03:35 Chris Gonzalez
00:03:39 Matt Concordia
15 minute purgeliquidity right here.
00:03:42 Matt Concordia
Inversion righthere.
00:03:47 Matt Concordia
The only reasonwhy I wouldn't take this one currently is because we have this one here.
00:03:52 Matt Concordia
And I'll nevertake the inversion on one if it is respecting the lower one or the lowest onethat that to me is always. That's why I would not take that no matter no matterwhat. So yeah, even though this is nice here, I just wouldn't take that becauseit's still holding the lowest one. If that were to slide through.
00:04:13 Matt Concordia
And then thisbecomes an order block like that. Then that's different, right? Because thenthat shows you that it's OK, it's it's sliding through this one, and now itit's clearly going down like that. So that's what I would be anticipating. Solet's go to.
00:04:27 Matt Concordia
830, OK, sothat's 8:30 there.
00:04:36 Matt Concordia
You can see rightlike that. OK, we're respecting.
00:04:41 Matt Concordia
That block lookat that. We get that closed right through that level. So that's that's againthat's, that's a sign that you could take that right like that is it is, is nowthat we're closing through that last sequence of up candles and in through thislevel we could take that, but we're not going to just because we didn't fullyclose throughout this.
00:05:00 Matt Concordia
Flow. OK. So wewould have to wait for the 15 minute to close. So if we do that well, the 15minute did close and it closed within it. So we would have to wait for the next15 minute to close through it. And if I go next 15.
00:05:12 Matt Concordia
00:05:12 Matt Concordia
It just.
00:05:12 Matt Concordia
Went straightdown so but you could.
00:05:15 Matt Concordia
00:05:15 Matt Concordia
There, look atthat.
00:05:18 Matt Concordia
Look at the topof that candle. The high of that candle literally perfectly right onto that 15minute.
00:05:26 Matt Concordia
Block right here.OK. So 50 minute block. It's consolidating. We closed through it. Retest thebodies. That's where the the major injection comes in. So, yeah, but thatthat's super quick. It looked like it was going to go. Yeah. Direction wasclear there. The only thing is is for entry, I would have to wait for that. Andthat's just.
00:05:27 Chris Gonzalez
00:05:39 Chris Gonzalez
Direction andpoint.
00:05:46 Matt Concordia
Part of thehaving rules, right? So yeah, let's go now to.
00:05:54 Matt Concordia
Well, we took itthat low. We don't need that anymore. We have these equal lows. So very, veryclear that it's going to come back down into those equal lows. We look on thehourly, we have this order block really from this low and up. I wouldpersonally prefer to see get to the bodies because the bodies are where the.
00:06:13 Matt Concordia
You know where ittypically does have to get up to.
00:06:16 Matt Concordia
00:06:16 Chris Gonzalez
The volume isresting.
00:06:17 Matt Concordia
Yeah, exactly.Let's mark off the 50% of it though, just in case it wants to come back up intothere 15 minutes.
00:06:25 Matt Concordia
5 minute.
00:06:28 Matt Concordia
Where was thelast sweep on liquidity? It was right here.
00:06:32 Matt Concordia
So that's me.
00:06:35 Matt Concordia
You're looking atlook at that 50% comes right back up into that rejection block slash workerblock there. Let's see.
00:06:44 Matt Concordia
There you go. Yousee that? Look at that 50% that is your.
00:06:49 Matt Concordia
That 50% of thatrejection block. So again, if you're looking for longs, that's where a lot ofpeople are gonna be looking for longs right there, right. And so in order tomitigate out of the the long positions, they come right back up into it, allowfor that to happen. And then now continuation back down.
00:07:08 Matt Concordia
There we go.
00:07:12 Matt Concordia
00:07:13 Chris Gonzalez
It's super clean.
00:07:14 Matt Concordia
It's just super,super, super clean. But again, for me this one right here is not one that Iwould take because again, that's low of the day we we're at low of the day,yes, sure, we are trending down, but I don't really like to be shorting at lowof the day even if it's just a subtle retracement, what I would.
00:07:29 Matt Concordia
Prefer to see ininstances like this is something like that where we where we hit low of the dayso.
00:07:34 Matt Concordia
Right here pre.
00:07:36 Matt Concordia
York and we comeback up and what does it do? It starts to take out buy side liquidity and thenit that fuels the the rest of the downside, right? That's what I like to see onan intraday perspective. Not I take out a low and then. Ohh here's you know, thethe fair value gap within that low or low and anticipating a lower high becausefrom what I've seen.
00:07:56 Matt Concordia
A lot of times itcomes back up, takes that out first before it goes. So anyways, that's it forthe day here. This is London close now so.
00:08:07 Matt Concordia
Nothing toocrazy. We have those equal lows down here that we're likely going to be lookingat.
00:08:13 Matt Concordia
Right, yeah.
00:08:17 Matt Concordia
Let's look at thedaily again.
00:08:20 Matt Concordia
00:08:22 Chris Gonzalez
It is somethingthat, in my opinion is very clear, but I would not take.
00:08:25 Chris Gonzalez
At this time.
00:08:26 Matt Concordia
Yeah, we havemoved. We've we've moved down majority like you look at the last expansiondays, we've already fulfilled the range for shorts, right. And yeah, we'vealready fulfilled the range for shorts. So it's not not a good thing to lookinto.
00:08:41 Matt Concordia
So let's just gointo the next day.
00:08:43 Chris Gonzalez
00:08:45 Matt Concordia
There you go. Sonow that we take out this liquidity, we have potentially created a range.
00:08:52 Matt Concordia
Right, we've potentiallycreated this range now.
00:08:56 Matt Concordia
00:08:57 Matt Concordia
The daily, aftertaking out major major liquidity over here so.
00:09:02 Chris Gonzalez
And and beforeyou continue G.
00:09:07 Chris Gonzalez
As you're saying,we took that sell side liquidity, which was massive and clean to left, but alsowhat are we testing after it? Can you measure the body of the order block priorto those?
00:09:25 Matt Concordia
This one.
00:09:25 Chris Gonzalez
Couple of exactlya couple of lows.
00:09:25 Matt Concordia
00:09:29 Matt Concordia
Literally rightat the 50% of that.
00:09:31 Chris Gonzalez
Exactly is justextremely clean.
00:09:34 Matt Concordia
Yeah, right atthe 50% of that, we have equal lows here. We're purging back in. We haveremember what we were talking about in the last one too is we were talk.
00:09:44 Matt Concordia
00:09:45 Matt Concordia
Internalliquidity then into external liquidity, then back into internal liquidity, thenback into external liquidity, right? Like that's the flow. And so you look atthis right here, look at we have.
00:09:55 Matt Concordia
Internalliquidity, external liquidity, we just cleared this external liquidity. Sowhat's the next likely scenario, well to fade back in.
00:10:04 Matt Concordia
Regardless, evenif this low is is, all is down here, and even if this goes down and runs thislow first, the next move it's either going to be from here, it's going to befrom here, right, that that the the retention is going to.
00:10:14 Chris Gonzalez
Guys this is.
00:10:16 Chris Gonzalez
Go gold. Then weshould just rewatch this.
00:10:17 Matt Concordia
Yeah, that'sagreed. That's a huge it's a huge. It's a huge key and it's something youoverlook in intraday trading because you're.
00:10:20 Chris Gonzalez
Piece again andagain again.
00:10:30 Chris Gonzalez
You just focuson.
00:10:32 Chris Gonzalez
On the entirethings like like the entire thing. Sorry. Or the other factors.
00:10:34 Matt Concordia
00:10:38 Chris Gonzalez
But you alwaysare a lot of people most of the time, forget the step process where these othervariables lined up and this is how they lined up. For me this was reallychallenging to articulate.
00:10:57 Matt Concordia
No, it's allgood. And and it's true though, because The thing is, is is that there's asequence, and I think the.
00:11:02 Matt Concordia
00:11:03 Matt Concordia
Is the is themost important and it's not just about entry models, and it's not just aboutthis. It's not just about that, it's about a sequence. If, like you look at thehigher time frame and the higher time frame is at external liquidity, thatmeans higher time frame. My next move is is coming back into internalliquidity. And so if that my higher time frame is in external coming back tointernal.
00:11:24 Matt Concordia
Then I should belooking for buys right up to key levels up to 50%. So you know right up tohere.
00:11:32 Chris Gonzalez
I I see it thisway even though you have a clear draw.
00:11:38 Chris Gonzalez
You needsomething to sponsor your move, you know.
00:11:40 Matt Concordia
00:11:42 Matt Concordia
Absolutely. Andthat's why this up here was so nice.
00:11:45 Matt Concordia
Because the drawwas clearly bearish and then look what happens. You go external, it comes backup into what internal it takes out liquidity up here, but it's still in 50% ofthis order block that's being respected.
00:12:00 Matt Concordia
Like this is justclassic, so the next level is external liquidity. So you're trying to shortthis whole way down, which we were. But you know there wasn't really much inNew York this whole way down. So yeah, it is what it is, right? But that'sthat's the key. And so now it's the opposite. We take out external liquidity,external liquidity, we're at 50% of this order.
00:12:20 Matt Concordia
So the next moveis likely to be up, right? That's just just the flow. So yeah, great. Greatpoint on that. One goes with the with the order block there and everything.
00:12:31 Matt Concordia
Let's go, then,to the four hour.
00:12:37 Matt Concordia
And so if we'relooking for upside then, well then this is very likely.
00:12:45 Matt Concordia
Going to be ourinversion right on the four hour.
00:12:48 Matt Concordia
And so that'sour.
00:12:50 Matt Concordia
That's the nextseries in the flow. Now you don't necessarily have to use 4 hour like when I'mday trading, I'll use that as a reference, but really I make my decisions offof my daily my one hour and my 5 minute. That's where where my those are mydecisional time for. It's four hours, just more like is there anything therethat I'm missing and stuff like that just to clear things up. I really reallylike to use three time frames as my decision making.
00:13:12 Matt Concordia
Criteria and soyou can see.
00:13:14 Matt Concordia
Daily my bias isup and now what do we see here? We see a purge on liquidity taking out of thislow and we get this close through it. We have a close through this one hourlevel as well, right? This inversion it's supported breaks back up. And so thisis the sequence of events.
00:13:34 Matt Concordia
We have ourconsolidation.
00:13:36 Matt Concordia
If I'm lookingfor longs, there's a couple opportunities. There's one the the turtle soupentry, which is entering at the low. When that hits a point of interest right.A higher time frame point of interest. That's entry opportunity #1. Thenthere's going to be your inversion entry, meaning it closes back above thatinversion, you can enter off of the inversion.
00:13:56 Matt Concordia
Right there.
00:13:58 Matt Concordia
00:13:59 Matt Concordia
#3 is going to bethe breaker entry, so close back above you get your breaker and then you go andthen later on there's going to be one that manipulates the breaker that's goingto be your inducement entry and then that's going to be the real one that thatblasts up the breaker. You can get a good 2/3.
00:14:18 Matt Concordia
Far out of thatpretty consistently, but you have to be careful because this one is typicallythe one that happens, so there's going to be 123 and four different entrytypically on your on the setup.
00:14:31 Matt Concordia
Right. Does thatmake sense? Yeah. And so golden.
00:14:35 Matt Concordia
Awesome. So ifthat makes sense, right? So look at we hit that higher timeframe P array righthere, right? So we purge this. So that's your turtle soup. You have your secondentry right here, which is your inversion. Now you have your breaker.
00:14:48 Matt Concordia
Right. And thenwhat's likely to happen is this come back down like that and then this is goingto be the real one, right? But this is this breaker could be good to take up tothere, right like that. And that's could be enough of of a trade to to take a decentwin. Right. So if we just mark off this breaker and it's going to be thehighest close candle. So this one right here.
00:15:09 Matt Concordia
And we'll keepthat. We'll keep that Gray because this is our hourly time frame and that's howI denote it. I usually have my the blue is the daily Gray is the weekly andthen green is the the intraday. So I know that I just have to all I have.
00:15:24 Matt Concordia
00:15:24 Matt Concordia
Do is mesh, youknow Gray with green and and like you know I'm in the right direction that'stypically.
00:15:30 Matt Concordia
How I kind of doit so say for example I use the one hour right here. This is your breaker.
00:15:37 Matt Concordia
And here we caneven go down to the 15 minute if it's clearer. Well, then what do you have hereon the on the?
00:15:44 Matt Concordia
On the 15 minuteand five minute. Well, First off, you have a fair value gap right here, right.But I'm going to wait until 830, OK.
00:15:58 Matt Concordia
Eight 15828thirty. OK, so 8:30. So we have this fair value gap here. We have liquidityresting right here. We have our breaker right here. And if you refer to thehigher time frame as well the 15, you actually have another order block righthere.
00:16:14 Chris Gonzalez
Yes, Sir.
00:16:15 Matt Concordia
Right. So this tome there's a lot of confluence that tells us, hey.
00:16:19 Matt Concordia
At least we couldbe getting up to here. Do I have enough?
00:16:25 Matt Concordia
Area to manage myposition. If Price gets up to that level and so if we see it, so say for.
00:16:31 Matt Concordia
00:16:32 Matt Concordia
We're looking fora turtle soup entry, meaning it's taking it out into a higher timeframe pointof interest. So right here we put our stops below this low. Do I have enough tomanage my position here yet? I have a 1.2 RP four I can.
00:16:44 Matt Concordia
To manage myposition and then who knows right? Maybe maybe we can get. Maybe thisabsolutely explodes up. We don't know, but.
00:16:51 Matt Concordia
That's as as longas we can be managed by this position, we should be.
00:16:55 Matt Concordia
Good to go so.
00:16:56 Chris Gonzalez
Yeah, and and forpeople trying to learn.
00:17:00 Chris Gonzalez
If you look tothe left carefully, there are clearly a couple of points where you should betaking.
00:17:09 Chris Gonzalez
Partials and.
00:17:11 Chris Gonzalez
In this example.
00:17:14 Chris Gonzalez
Is New York high?If I'm not wrong, previous New York?
00:17:17 Chris Gonzalez
High, right?
00:17:17 Matt Concordia
Yeah, this one,this one here is the London close. And then there's the.
00:17:22 Matt Concordia
New York high uphere.
00:17:23 Chris Gonzalez
Exactly that one.Yeah. OK, so both.
00:17:26 Matt Concordia
Yeah, absolutely.And you have your previous daily high up here, you have your previous daily lowthat we purge. So we purge daily low, we change state. This is very clearlygoing to the upside. So we could even like Chris said target that 2R to get upto that level, take partials at this one right there.
00:17:39 Chris Gonzalez
00:17:44 Chris Gonzalez
What I'm saying?
00:17:46 Chris Gonzalez
Is that there is?
00:17:47 Chris Gonzalez
Liquidity and weare following what you said before about the flow, those are the logical onesin my opinion.
00:17:55 Matt Concordia
Absolutely. Andagain, remember the higher time frame says that, well, we're probably gettingback up into the 50% like, so there's there's room, right? We have a lot of alot of room, but we're playing the breaker right here. So we have to be carefulbecause the breaker will probably just go like something like this where we hitthe breaker play.
00:18:13 Matt Concordia
Right, hit thatliquidity and maybe get something like that then that's going to be the majorbuy, right? It's going to induce so.
00:18:22 Matt Concordia
Again, we have8:30. I'm expecting price to just. I would like to see it come back down andtake it that low into this level, it it might not even get back down into ourentry here to be honest, but because we have our breaker here so we can put itat the front of the breaker. But to be honest, let's just put it right here,right at that order block there with our stop below that.
00:18:42 Matt Concordia
So we got a nice2.5 R.
00:18:46 Chris Gonzalez
I'm happy withtwo point.
00:18:47 Matt Concordia
Five. Yeah,exactly.
00:18:49 Matt Concordia
I am as well andyou can see on the. Yeah, The thing is.
00:18:55 Matt Concordia
I was going tosay is this fair value gap? I have a feeling it's going to Wick down into thisfair value gap and that's it. But let's see.
00:19:01 Chris Gonzalez
00:19:04 Matt Concordia
Equal highs.
00:19:08 Matt Concordia
Yeah, it's justgoing straight up like that.
00:19:11 Matt Concordia
So it itimmediately comes and takes out that high. And so that to me is just off thetable. OK, so basically we didn't, we actually didn't even use this breakeryet. So this will probably be induced, OK, this will probably be induced. Butnow that we're up at that one hour level.
00:19:32 Matt Concordia
We have to be.
00:19:34 Matt Concordia
That's what weneed.
00:19:35 Matt Concordia
To do, we have tobe cognizant of the fact that, yeah, we're at A1.
00:19:38 Matt Concordia
Hour level wehave.
00:19:40 Matt Concordia
You know, somesome traffic here, so we're likely going to get some sort of retracement backdown into this level, right? Yeah. Look at that, that down candle fair valuegap right here.
00:19:51 Matt Concordia
00:19:54 Matt Concordia
Let's see.
00:19:59 Matt Concordia
And again.
00:20:01 Matt Concordia
We have ourinversion here, so it's very, very, very likely.
00:20:07 Matt Concordia
OK that if thiscloses.
00:20:10 Matt Concordia
So there you go.The 15 minute close right there. We closed through that inversion. This isgoing to be what's going to bring us back down into this low.
00:20:20 Matt Concordia
Right, Yep.
00:20:24 Matt Concordia
But again, we arebullish. Let's see.
00:20:27 Matt Concordia
00:20:29 Matt Concordia
Let's see wherewe're at here. Yeah, you see that? The note is literally lining up right withthat. Again, we're more bullish on the higher time frame. So this is a shorthere, right? This is a short.
00:20:40 Matt Concordia
We took out majorliquidity, came back up into here, but the range is 7 pips, 8 pips.
00:20:47 Matt Concordia
Right. Yeah. We'dmuch rather be going long right here at this breaker. Plus that order block. SoI would say I'd say you wait for the longs here as opposed to the shorts inthis in this case.
00:21:02 Chris Gonzalez
Yeah. For peoplewatching us, we're just reading price. Even though we see opportunities, itmight be better not to take them all.
00:21:10 Matt Concordia
00:21:12 Matt Concordia
Agreed, agreed.Agreed. So again.
00:21:16 Matt Concordia
If this is goingto go.
00:21:19 Matt Concordia
What? What day isit so?
00:21:20 Matt Concordia
This was Mondayas.
00:21:20 Matt Concordia
Well, right. Solook at how Monday opened.
00:21:22 Chris Gonzalez
00:21:24 Matt Concordia
Monday opened uphere. We immediately go back down. We purged that major liquidity pool. We justshift on the one hour. This is potential open and this is all the Wick of theweekly candle, right? And again, that makes sense because look at where our targetis, right? Our target is potentially to that upside there so.
00:21:43 Matt Concordia
Somethingpotentially worth taking to go long from here, and even just targeting up atthe previous day's highs could be good right for Tuesday low of.
00:21:53 Matt Concordia
00:21:53 Matt Concordia
Week so let's.
00:21:55 Matt Concordia
See, we have10:00 AM. If this gets triggered by 10:00 AM, I'd be down to take it.
00:22:04 Matt Concordia
Let's check itout.
00:22:07 Matt Concordia
OK, so right offof that level again 10:00 AM.
00:22:11 Matt Concordia
00:22:17 Matt Concordia
Just selfish. So itjust, it actually just used the breaker. You see the breaker right there. OK,so let's just, let's just take that off. It used the breaker. It didn't getdown to that order block.
00:22:23 Chris Gonzalez
00:22:27 Matt Concordia
It used thebreaker right here. Let me.
00:22:28 Chris Gonzalez
Just interruptyou for a SEC. Yep.
00:22:32 Chris Gonzalez
Kick rocks.
00:22:33 Matt Concordia
Ohh kick her.
00:22:35 Chris Gonzalez
My apologies,people just got emotional.
00:22:41 Matt Concordia
Yeah, so exactly,it comes back down into there into the breaker and then.
00:22:45 Matt Concordia
We get thatextension.
00:22:46 Matt Concordia
Off. So there'syour there's the trade right there and and now that we've filled up that thatone hour fair.
00:22:51 Matt Concordia
Value gap it's.
00:22:53 Matt Concordia
It's over for fortoday, but there was a lot of things that align with that and.
00:22:58 Matt Concordia
Yep, just is whatit is, but good.
00:23:00 Matt Concordia
Read good, read,good read.
00:23:01 Chris Gonzalez
We dream wedream.
00:23:03 Matt Concordia
Let's clear allthis off and let's go into the next day. New York session.
00:23:13 Matt Concordia
So yeah, againremember, I marked out yesterday's highs. Look at.
00:23:16 Matt Concordia
That, yeah.
00:23:17 Matt Concordia
Right previousday highs. You see how it just accumulates at that at that high.
00:23:23 Matt Concordia
Grabs all thiscollection of orders.
00:23:26 Matt Concordia
Right and now?
00:23:28 Matt Concordia
We sweep up, sothis is actually the previous day and then you have because this is atmidnight. If you actually look at the actual session breaks, you'll notice thatthis was the actual previous day high on the daily candle. So we actually didpurge that. OK. And now we broke back down, we changed state. And so this islooking just incredibly bearish.
00:23:49 Matt Concordia
So likely justgoing to support that and back down, I would say at least back down into.
00:23:57 Matt Concordia
This inversionright because remember, like I said before, where we have that sweep, we havethe initial inversion entry. That's it. Breaker entry. That was this one. Andthen there's potentially one more at the sweep. So we'll see how that happens.There's the other option as well that the low goes and gets targeted.
00:24:15 Matt Concordia
Right that wejust took out major liquidity here. We accumulate above that. This looks very,very heavy right now. So this could just tap and go all the way back down.
00:24:24 Matt Concordia
00:24:24 Matt Concordia
To take out.
00:24:25 Matt Concordia
This low, yeah,right.
00:24:26 Chris Gonzalez
Because if youguys can remember, we have a target down.
00:24:30 Matt Concordia
Exactly, exactly.And we hit highs, so as soon as you take out buy side liquidity, it can go. Itdoesn't necessarily have to climb all the way back up into this fair value gap.I would like that, right. I would, I would like.
00:24:30 Chris Gonzalez
00:24:44 Matt Concordia
So that we get anice swing point here on the daily that confirms that we have a swing and thenwe can start looking at that upside, right? That's something I would definitelyprefer, but it doesn't have to, right? We could just take out liquidity, come backdown and go lower so.
00:25:02 Matt Concordia
Yeah, let's go onto the one hour. You can see beautiful order block right here.
00:25:11 Matt Concordia
Beautiful orderblock right here.
00:25:13 Chris Gonzalez
Really like that?
00:25:14 Matt Concordia
Yeah. Likewisethe hourly looks so clean you have that order block like that, right? That tookout daily high close back below fair value up here respect respect break backdown likely going to touch back up into that use it as the opposite side.
00:25:30 Matt Concordia
Right, the thefair value gap on the opposite side, use that as.
00:25:34 Matt Concordia
Kind of extrafuel to add into the short and so I would expect that and at least get down tothe swing point here, right, because again, if this is going to be going long,it's going to induce this low low burst inside of that order block and thenit'll go up. So that would be the main target and then anything down beyondthat would be kind of.
00:25:55 Matt Concordia
Extra Yep.
00:25:58 Chris Gonzalez
For people that.
00:26:00 Chris Gonzalez
Havingaccumulated accumulated, sorry a lot of experience.
00:26:06 Chris Gonzalez
These are thetype of price actions where you're like, oh, it's super clean and easy. Thoseare, those are the ones you're looking or your favorite ones. If you're notlike you.
00:26:12 Matt Concordia
00:26:16 Chris Gonzalez
00:26:17 Matt Concordia
Yeah, yeah, itjust melts right at 8:30, right at the news, which is consumer price index. SoCPI very, very clear directionally.
00:26:17 Chris Gonzalez
It just melt.
00:26:26 Matt Concordia
Yeah, these areand. These are the days.
00:26:27 Matt Concordia
That you kind of.
That you, you.
00:26:30 Matt Concordia
You want to waitfor like the ones that are like, OK, even if you don't get an entry, at leastit's like, yeah, I know that price is likely to do XY and Z like.
00:26:37 Matt Concordia
It's it's more.
00:26:39 Matt Concordia
It's moreprobable that this happens, you know? And so yeah, it's it's definitely I lovethose types of days.
00:26:44 Chris Gonzalez
And support andsuper reinforcing with your confidence it makes you feel like a wizard people.Yeah, absolutely.
00:26:49 Matt Concordia
00:26:53 Matt Concordia
It really does,obviously.
00:26:56 Matt Concordia
But yeah, soagain, same same thing that's going on here. We have this for value gap here. Iwouldn't take this again because it's low of the day even though I'manticipating that this low to get taken, it's just that's just a part of myrule set. Personally I just don't take low of the low of the day tradesanymore, not not low the day shorts so.
00:27:12 Chris Gonzalez
Yeah, yeah. Andand if you see it's it's 9:00 AM. And look how much it has moved.
00:27:19 Matt Concordia
Yeah, exactly.
00:27:19 Chris Gonzalez
They got the law.
00:27:21 Matt Concordia
Yeah, we've moveda pretty decent amount very, very likely to take out this low, but again, justnot enough for me to not enough for me to to take. But there you go. So respectit nicely. Went back down inefficient run into this low. Now you have to be carefulbecause why while you're coming into a.
00:27:41 Matt Concordia
Down candle, youpurge liquidity. There's also a. Where are we at? Right here. There's thatportion of the order block right there. Let's get the four hour. Quick. Yeah. Iwas going to say there's got to be something else. So this order block righthere now.
00:27:58 Matt Concordia
The way that thislooks right here, you see this inefficient up inefficient. Back down, we slidright through this on the four hour. This is more bearish like this is more.This is very much more likely to hit the lows just by how this look. Wheneveryou see that whenever you see something like this inefficient up inefficientdown, we slide through that inefficiency, right. This one gave a little bitmore of a.
00:28:18 Matt Concordia
The action, butwhenever you see that inefficient down inefficient up, we slide through it andcontinue going like it just it just always happens that way. So whenever yousee like that.
00:28:30 Matt Concordia
Good luck. We'retargeting the lows, so I'm more inclined for for the lows to get targeted. Iwouldn't be looking at the biased here personally, so not until that low is istargeted, right because that's a daily low and again.
00:28:46 Matt Concordia
We're at the 50%of that order block, so this could just.
00:28:49 Matt Concordia
00:28:51 Matt Concordia
Turtle soup lowof the higher time frame level. Remember, it's just like this consolidationsweep and then it gives you your three entries right here too. This could bethe consolidation sweep, turtle soup low. And then there's the inversion. Andthen there's everything else. Right, the breaker and so on. So forth to get itto that.
00:29:08 Matt Concordia
00:29:09 Matt Concordia
Just looks likeit could be a fractal if anything, but yeah, let's just see here looking muchmore bearish in my opinion. I mean, look at that. Those are very, very, verystrong.
00:29:20 Chris Gonzalez
And is movingvery inefficiently.
00:29:23 Matt Concordia
Yeah. Andrespecting, right, so inefficiently in respecting, that's.
00:29:25 Chris Gonzalez
00:29:28 Matt Concordia
You know,typically a good sign that it's going.
00:29:31 Matt Concordia
Continue down.
00:29:35 Chris Gonzalez
Relating thedate.
00:29:35 Matt Concordia
All right. Soyeah.
00:29:38 Matt Concordia
But it's all goodhere, so this one. This one is alright, right? We take it that low. And thenwhat does it do? Comes right back up. And this is what I'm saying. I don'tshort at low of the day because you might have easily said to yourself. Wellthis one worked well. What about this one?
00:29:50 Matt Concordia
Now this one's atlow of the day. Look what happens, right? We react, cut right through it to dowhat? To take out a high.
00:29:59 Matt Concordia
Like that's. Thisis why I'm always, always, always cognitive that I always want to see a shortat a high, not at a continuation low. That's just from what I've noticed. I'veit doesn't work for me.
00:30:12 Matt Concordia
00:30:14 Matt Concordia
OK, so there yougo. Your last up candles are right there. We just get that closed throughright. Last sequence of up candles. Purge liquidity closed through. That wouldbe a much better short. If you're going to.
00:30:26 Matt Concordia
Take that one.
00:30:32 Matt Concordia
For London,close. There you go. So London close.
00:30:36 Matt Concordia
Little rangethere. So let us go up to the 15 minute and let's skip to the next day your.
00:30:47 Matt Concordia
New York, NY.Yeah, so that's exactly how it ended up playing out, right? How it came backup, swept up high, broke back down from here, takes out this low.
00:30:58 Matt Concordia
And now we haveto be cognizant of the fact that, hey, there are equal lows here. So I'm I'mnot biased for this to be up as of yet, right? This to me still looks bearish.
00:31:08 Matt Concordia
Sweep, break backdown. Fair value gap, right. If I go to the one hour, it'll probably be muchclearer.
00:31:15 Matt Concordia
Right. Yeah, lookat that. So there's the fair value gap there that's being respected on thehourly. So we use our grey.
00:31:21 Matt Concordia
We have our orderblock right here.
00:31:23 Matt Concordia
Which wasrespected.
00:31:25 Chris Gonzalez
00:31:26 Chris Gonzalez
Until left youhave the same.
00:31:26 Matt Concordia
And we have.
00:31:28 Matt Concordia
Yeah, exactly.
00:31:30 Matt Concordia
Exactly. Exactly,exactly. And so on the four hour again, this is what I'm saying. I use it asconfluence. Remember what I said here? That how we when we slid through it, weslid through it here. But then we slid right back through that. It's the samething here. It's the same thing here. And we can see that we slid through that.And then we also have it right here as well. So.
00:31:43 Chris Gonzalez
Thank you.
00:31:51 Matt Concordia
This isrespecting, clearly down nothing else.
00:31:55 Matt Concordia
Nothing else tolook at.
00:31:55 Chris Gonzalez
Thank you.
00:31:57 Chris Gonzalez
There's not muchto say. Just go full margin, dude.
00:31:59 Matt Concordia
Not much to.
00:32:00 Matt Concordia
00:32:02 Matt Concordia
That's that'swhat I would be looking at personally for that, but let's see. Let's let's waittill 8:30.
00:32:04 Chris Gonzalez
00:32:09 Matt Concordia
Again, there'sgoing to be what uses.
00:32:11 Matt Concordia
00:32:11 Matt Concordia
Retail sales.
00:32:15 Matt Concordia
Retail sales,it's actually holding this.
00:32:19 Matt Concordia
Pretty nicely,but see.
00:32:24 Matt Concordia
Yeah. OK. So wegot a really inefficient move. So that actually did not hold.
00:32:29 Matt Concordia
Which is fine.
00:32:31 Matt Concordia
Let's go back upto our hourly where's our 4 hour again?
00:32:37 Chris Gonzalez
Look at the levelG.
00:32:39 Matt Concordia
00:32:42 Matt Concordia
Yeah, it lookslike it could be doing what we initially said where it like turtle.
00:32:45 Matt Concordia
Soup that low.
00:32:48 Matt Concordia
I am.
00:32:50 Matt Concordia
Yeah, I reallydidn't like those the.
00:32:51 Matt Concordia
Equal lows there.
00:32:54 Matt Concordia
But let's justtake all this off for a SEC.
00:32:58 Matt Concordia
I really didn'tlike those equal lows, but I guess because we already purged.
00:33:02 Matt Concordia
That liquiditythat it could be, OK, is there anywhere that we're looking up into? Well, let'slet's take an eye. Let's keep an eye out for this 4 hour, right. Again, weslid.
00:33:11 Matt Concordia
Threw it oneither side. That's our.
00:33:15 Matt Concordia
Or what's itcalled BPR?
00:33:17 Chris Gonzalez
00:33:19 Matt Concordia
00:33:23 Matt Concordia
Yeah. Let's see.
00:33:24 Matt Concordia
Very, veryinefficient move.
00:33:31 Matt Concordia
OK, veryinefficient move. We purge the high of the day. We come back up intoyesterday's.
00:33:42 Matt Concordia
London close. Wehave a very, very clean leg, right? This is this is good to take down in myopinion that's. This is what I would like to see coming back down into here. Sowe can wait for that that that five minute. If we wanted to. But here's theone.
If you agree.
00:33:57 Matt Concordia
Read it.
00:33:59 Matt Concordia
There you go,turtle soup. So remember our entry. This could be an entry right above here.Right? Because you're in a higher time frame. Employment interest. You justhave to put your stop up to where the higher time frame point of interest wouldwould.
00:34:13 Matt Concordia
00:34:14 Matt Concordia
Be invalidated,sorry.
00:34:16 Matt Concordia
Right. And thenthe next one is what?
00:34:24 Matt Concordia
00:34:24 Matt Concordia
The next one isinversion. So right here the fact that we closed through that.
00:34:28 Matt Concordia
On an inversionthat's entry 2, right?
00:34:31 Chris Gonzalez
Sorry, I justrealized that you might said that for me to ask and I just found out dude in.
00:34:37 Chris Gonzalez
The price action.
00:34:39 Chris Gonzalez
Ohh yeah, I justwas like OK, keep going price.
00:34:46 Matt Concordia
So. So yeah,that's that's going to be that there. And then we have the breaker.
00:34:52 Matt Concordia
Which is right?
00:34:53 Matt Concordia
Here. Yeah.
00:34:55 Matt Concordia
Right. So thefact that we already slid through that that FG is a really good sign, but tome, whenever the breaker is this close and stuff like that, I usually wait.
00:35:07 Matt Concordia
For some extra.
00:35:09 Chris Gonzalez
Come through.
00:35:10 Matt Concordia
He had some extrasigns or wait for some closures, so let's go to the five minute. There we gosee. So now that we came back down and we we took out or we made these equallows here, it looks really nice because now we slid through this breaker. Wehave a fair value gap within that breaker.
00:35:24 Chris Gonzalez
I will be takingit literally from there.
00:35:26 Matt Concordia
00:35:29 Matt Concordia
Yeah, I wouldtake.
00:35:30 Matt Concordia
00:35:31 Matt Concordia
From here thingis is that it's 5 minutes until the started the new hour. So what we should do?Actually the best scenario I think would be wait for the 9:00 AM and then weenter.
00:35:36 Chris Gonzalez
How are youfeeling?
00:35:45 Matt Concordia
At the open ofnine or above the open at 9:00 right to catch that hourly. Can't also say, forexample, we're going for.
00:35:53 Matt Concordia
From 9:00 AM to10:00 AM, and if this is going to be a bearish candle, it's likely going toopen swing back up.
00:36:01 Matt Concordia
Cut back down,right?
00:36:03 Matt Concordia
So I think weshould wait for the open of that candle. Let's see.
00:36:07 Chris Gonzalez
Whatever you say,master.
00:36:10 Matt Concordia
So there we go.
00:36:12 Matt Concordia
We open.
00:36:15 Matt Concordia
OK, there's ouropen of the hourly candle. Mark it like that.
00:36:20 Matt Concordia
Again, this isour framework that we are going to be.
00:36:24 Matt Concordia
00:36:26 Matt Concordia
OK, we're goingto be shorting. We have a inducement potential high right here. You can waitfor for respect if you want. Like if you want to just take it right from there,that's a completely valid play, right where it is right now. Stop above thishigh. Or you could wait for some sort of confirmation to say, hey, we're goingto actually close back down below that open of that hourly.
00:36:46 Matt Concordia
So I'll do thatjust for.
00:36:47 Matt Concordia
00:36:48 Matt Concordia
Just because justfor extra confirmation and a good way to do it is just you see this line thatgot swept here. You want to see it.
00:36:54 Matt Concordia
Come right backdown.
00:36:54 Matt Concordia
Below that andthere you.
00:36:55 Matt Concordia
Go. OK, so hitsthat level. We break back down, we actually shift and change state again onthis time frame, right. Last sequence of up candles.
00:37:05 Matt Concordia
There's yourorder block. Yeah, right.
00:37:08 Matt Concordia
So there you go.So you could have entered at the open of that hour because this is going tolikely going to be the Wick of that hourly candle, right. But we can just enterdirectly from here. We can put our stop, let's say 10 pips.
00:37:20 Matt Concordia
Shouldn't getback above there anyways, right?
00:37:23 Chris Gonzalez
00:37:24 Matt Concordia
And then what wecan do is we can target traffic or we can just target QR's just straight up.
00:37:29 Matt Concordia
Because this isall traffic here.
00:37:31 Chris Gonzalez
Yeah, it's alltraffic.
00:37:34 Chris Gonzalez
But it could bemoved that and note notes.
00:37:38 Matt Concordia
Yeah, it's truebecause because we.
00:37:38 Chris Gonzalez
I would be just.
00:37:39 Chris Gonzalez
Taking off on thetable a lot.
00:37:41 Matt Concordia
Yeah. Totally.Because you're right. You you because we also have these equal lows here,remember, so.
00:37:48 Matt Concordia
Let's leave.Let's leave a runner. But by the time it gets down into this traffic righthere, right, 50% of this whole traffic. So this whole consolidation, right,there's going to be a couple of things that might happen. We might have aconsolidation and continuation cycle that goes like this.
00:38:03 Matt Concordia
Right. Or wemight have the reversal cycle, which has consolidation, manipulation and thenthe distribution and retested on the other side, right. But we have to beCognizant at this traffic because this is where a lot of orders have beenaccumulated. And so at the top, which is at midnight open and then at themiddle, which is at 8:30 AM open.
00:38:22 Matt Concordia
Those are goingto be.
00:38:23 Matt Concordia
Very, verydelicate levels, right? So.
00:38:28 Matt Concordia
Good to keep inmind, good to keep in mind and.
00:38:31 Matt Concordia
So let's justtake this here.
00:38:35 Matt Concordia
1% risk. I'mreally, really confident in this one here. I would be looking at, you know,taking out, I would say at least 75% by the time we get down into here. Like nopoint in being greedy. That's three R's. I mean that that in itself is a fulltrade like, you know what I mean.
00:38:50 Chris Gonzalez
And and not onlythat, like you also have to take into account.
00:38:54 Chris Gonzalez
What time it is?
00:38:56 Chris Gonzalez
And if you'rejust running late for it to hold it, you better not, you know, just.
00:39:02 Chris Gonzalez
Take somethingout and and pay yourselves.
00:39:03 Matt Concordia
Exactly how aboutthis? We'll see where we're at by running close. If we're down here at Londonclose, then that's a good sign that it's probably not going to continue downinto the other liquidity pools, right? It will likely come back down in here bylearning.
00:39:16 Matt Concordia
And that meansit's done now. If it just rips down and completely consumes this clean leg,then that's different, right? But yeah. Anyways, let's see. I would be. I'd beconfident or I'd be. Wouldn't be surprised if we come back up and test thatthat order block first. Let's see.
00:39:32 Matt Concordia
Your value gap.
00:39:35 Matt Concordia
We're justbreaking back down. Let's see.
00:39:43 Chris Gonzalez
00:39:45 Matt Concordia
Let's see. Let'ssee.
00:39:47 Matt Concordia
So it'sconsolidating, coming back up into that high.
00:39:52 Matt Concordia
OK, now.
00:39:53 Matt Concordia
This is it. Lookat last up that took out that high. So the induced got induced. The inducementgot induced. That's this is just classic.
00:40:03 Chris Gonzalez
Almost gettingdosed by man.
00:40:04 Matt Concordia
Every everyone'sgetting a deuced. That's hilarious. Yeah. So that's I would have expected thatthis would have helped, but that's why I don't put my stop directly above that.Like, always put it above, like, at least in this case, it's above the sweep. Soit really shouldn't get up if it gets up into there, it's probably going tofail, right. But the fact is, is that now?
00:40:21 Matt Concordia
We swept this andwe have another order block right here.
00:40:25 Matt Concordia
Right. And soultimately the fact is that we swept that we broke back down, we have fairvalue gap here. This is actually an order block and breaker block right here,sorry.
00:40:38 Matt Concordia
OK, the downcandle, we created a high, we created a low we have that fair value gap. So nownow that we have a really, really solid entry model right here, it can't. Yourstop can definitely be moved down specifically because of the time and alsoanother entry could be scaled in if you wanted.
00:40:53 Matt Concordia
To do that, butyeah, let's see.
00:41:00 Matt Concordia
There you go.See. So it holds that breaker OK. And we start. Let's see if we can come backdown now.
00:41:07 Chris Gonzalez
Baby, what areyou doing? Just mouth.
00:41:08 Matt Concordia
00:41:09 Matt Concordia
Yeah, it's, it'sit's it's going to probably start off on this next hour. Here, here. Let's justmark off this instead because we kind of broke through that breaker. But we arekind of still respecting this level here. So again, it's probably going to startoff again open, come back up. And because in the new hour, I'm actually goingto move my stop back to where it was just because I'm.
00:41:29 Matt Concordia
I'm I'm notconfident in the fact that this might pop up. Take out this.
00:41:33 Matt Concordia
High and then.
00:41:33 Matt Concordia
Come back down.Let's see.
00:41:34 Chris Gonzalez
Oh good.
00:41:37 Matt Concordia
Yeah. So it'sjust going, it's just going to open and rock it down. So as soon as we take upthis low.
00:41:41 Matt Concordia
Can be managed.
00:41:42 Chris Gonzalez
Guys, this is thething you have to endure if you're going live. Imagine just one hour ofwaiting, staring at the chart.
00:41:48 Matt Concordia
00:41:50 Matt Concordia
One hour ofdrawdown.
00:41:51 Chris Gonzalez
Ohh man oh man.
00:41:52 Matt Concordia
One hour ofdrawdown where it just goes up and you're like, oh, God, it's gonna Take MeOut. Ohh. Breaks back down. Ohh no now.
00:41:57 Matt Concordia
It'sconsolidating like like you have.
00:41:59 Matt Concordia
To be so. Ohhit's.
00:42:01 Chris Gonzalez
Emotional rollercoaster.
00:42:03 Matt Concordia
Yeah, it's. It'san emotional roller coaster. If you if. And that's why, like a lot of thetimes, I like to just enter.
00:42:08 Matt Concordia
And kind of just.
00:42:10 Matt Concordia
Leave, you know,like I just want to just not look at it. Do other things like check in a littlebit, set my alerts but like not be fixated like staring at every tick of everycandle. Like that's when you can drive yourself and say in in my opinion.
00:42:24 Chris Gonzalez
Who doesn't?
00:42:25 Matt Concordia
Yeah, I know. Butso it's so hard. It's so hard not to do that, you know.
00:42:29 Chris Gonzalez
Like who doesn'tget completely obsessed by?
00:42:33 Matt Concordia
Seeing thecandles sticking exactly, exactly.
00:42:37 Chris Gonzalez
If you look at itobjectively, it's just.
00:42:40 Matt Concordia
Oh, it's justsilly like. Yeah, cause it like at the end of the day, you're.
00:42:40 Chris Gonzalez
00:42:44 Matt Concordia
It's either goingto win or it's going to lose like nothing that you do in the middle is going tocontrol that outcome. It's just gonna. It's just gonna. It's gonna be.
00:42:51 Matt Concordia
What it is?
00:42:52 Matt Concordia
Right. Yeah. Soanyways, let's see what the five minute does here. You can see that we have abreaker block. So same thing breaker, fair value gap. It's probably going totest.
00:43:00 Chris Gonzalez
In terms of FPGright there.
00:43:02 Matt Concordia
Yep. Flaggbreaker. Clean leg. Yeah, this is coming down again. Remember, at this traffic,we want to be partially out.
00:43:13 Matt Concordia
So again, here'syour order.
00:43:15 Matt Concordia
Block wheneveryou have an order block with a big WIC like that, it's good to just measure themic out and you can see.
00:43:20 Matt Concordia
The 50% lines upright there.
00:43:25 Matt Concordia
There you go. OK,so perfect.
00:43:27 Matt Concordia
We get thatlaunched right back down into that level. This is where I would be taking offlike in real, in real life, especially 10:30, we're going to be coming into 11by 11 wherever it is, I would just close it straight up, whether it be here orwhether it be down here or whether it be all the way back up here because at11.
Speak now.
00:43:45 Matt Concordia
Is when the cycleis essentially complete.
00:43:49 Matt Concordia
In Forex, atleast, it's for me. I really don't like to. For me, I really don't like totrade deep into the day because it just dies and then you're stuck into intostuff more that's consolidated. And when that happens, your mind is just youjust sit there and you're just you sitting in consolidation. You're like, Oh myGod, dude, I've had.
00:44:07 Matt Concordia
Enough of thisso.
00:44:09 Matt Concordia
Anyways, we canmove our stop down to break even here. Just below actually above that breakerand honestly because we had this support of this order block, you really reallycould start trailing your stock down into here if you if you are.
00:44:21 Chris Gonzalez
He's really late.
00:44:23 Matt Concordia
Yeah. And it'sreally laying the day. So what I would do is I'm going to take off.
00:44:27 Matt Concordia
Let's go. Icould.
00:44:29 Chris Gonzalez
Take 75.
00:44:30 Matt Concordia
Yeah. You wannago? OK, let's go. 75. Yeah, let's go 75 and let's go into one minute and let'sjust monitor here because again, this is going to be key level, right? This wasthe data data point comes out. Boom. This is where the liquidity is. It's literallyshowing you they inject it at this time. And it went directly up. There was alarge order that was placed there.
00:44:48 Matt Concordia
Right there at8:30. So what?
00:44:48 Chris Gonzalez
00:44:50 Chris Gonzalez
Makes the marketmove like that.
00:44:54 Matt Concordia
00:44:55 Chris Gonzalez
Liquidity. Mypeople, that's money right there.
00:44:59 Matt Concordia
Yep, that's it.And so this is the point where you have to be very, very cognizant of of.
00:45:06 Matt Concordia
Injections comingback in, right, because that's where the initial injection was. There'sresidual orders that are resting here, so they'll probably have to accumulateand even if it's just, even if it just goes up like this, right, it just goesup and falls back down. It doesn't matter. It's still, you know, it's justabout the the process and and that's where I would get off, you know, take outsome more.
00:45:28 Matt Concordia
OK. So there wego, breaking back down. What time is it? It's the end of the hour. So again,look at the hour. OK. The hour opens, creates the WIC. We get the expansion forthe hour. Like we've if we close the position.
00:45:30 Chris Gonzalez
What time is?
00:45:39 Matt Concordia
00:45:39 Matt Concordia
Here we've caughtthat whole hourly candle. Like, that's the idea, right? We thought that it wasgoing to happen this one, but instead it got delayed.
00:45:48 Matt Concordia
It delayedanother hour, so we had that and then we and we ripped. So again we played itand we did it well. So I would say right now.
00:45:58 Matt Concordia
We can. Well, Imean we close off 75%. So let's just wait. I I would say if it closes, if itcloses back above this high.
00:46:05 Chris Gonzalez
Yeah, I don'twant to lose that money. I just want.
00:46:07 Matt Concordia
Yeah, exactly.Yeah, it's just going straight up there. So new hour.
00:46:07 Chris Gonzalez
To earn more so.
00:46:13 Chris Gonzalez
Are you there?
00:46:14 Matt Concordia
Right. Look atthat, see. So we inverted. It's going to go up. It's going to go up.
00:46:18 Matt Concordia
Right from here,right?
00:46:19 Chris Gonzalez
00:46:21 Matt Concordia
There we go.
00:46:23 Matt Concordia
There it is. Soagain, great idea here in beautiful clean leg sweat, major liquidity, currentdaily highs, previous daily session highs. Right. And then we get.
00:46:34 Matt Concordia
00:46:35 Matt Concordia
Change in state.Here we actually entered off the one minute there you can see on the fiveminute we close back below here comes back up. That's the inducement.
00:46:43 Matt Concordia
And we aresupporting that 50%, right, look at that 50% of this order block here.
00:46:50 Matt Concordia
Reject andrespect, respect, respect and then we get that we get that launched directly atthe start of the hour and that's why we usually like to wait for those hours,right. We we usually like to wait at the start of the hour. That tells us, youknow, that's when we're most likely to.
00:47:04 Matt Concordia
Get thatinjection.
00:47:07 Matt Concordia
And so yeah, thatwas it there.
00:47:10 Matt Concordia
Let's see. Yeah,let's, let's.
00:47:14 Matt Concordia
Let's go to thenext day.
00:47:14 Chris Gonzalez
I think I stillwe have time. Yeah, for another.
00:47:17 Matt Concordia
Yeah. Yeah.Where? How much? How much do we have?
00:47:19 Chris Gonzalez
Yeah, we havelike 13 minutes. We can smash another day of analysis.
00:47:24 Matt Concordia
Yeah, let's,let's do another day. Let's go to. Did I just move forward?
00:47:28 Chris Gonzalez
Not sure. I thinkyou did.
00:47:31 Matt Concordia
Yeah, I did. OK,so yeah, this is where the. Yeah. See. So it went all the way back up. Butyeah, there was our short. And so again, it's looking short again, right.
00:47:42 Matt Concordia
We had thisinvalidation right this this gap right here.
00:47:50 Matt Concordia
I'll just markthat out QuickTime.
00:47:53 Matt Concordia
That that gap gotinvalidated slid right through. We have our order block here and we also tookout the previous hourly high.
00:48:01 Chris Gonzalez
Today is Friday,right?
00:48:03 Matt Concordia
Yes, this isFriday. So very, very likely that we're going to come back down and create thelow of the week in my opinion.
00:48:08 Chris Gonzalez
00:48:09 Chris Gonzalez
We tested it anentire week, right?
00:48:11 Matt Concordia
I think so. Yeah.I think Monday. Yep.
00:48:14 Chris Gonzalez
Awesome. Awesome.
00:48:14 Matt Concordia
Yeah, we did.
00:48:17 Matt Concordia
And we only gotthe one trait which was this one here, which is better than the.
00:48:21 Matt Concordia
Better than thelast one.
00:48:22 Chris Gonzalez
00:48:23 Matt Concordia
Yeah, this isreality. One trade in a week. So yeah, this again like this is this isgorgeous. So again, remember how we had that inversion? We purged thatliquidity on the hourly candle and we came up into an order block. We'll lookat this right here.
00:48:37 Matt Concordia
This last downcandle.
00:48:39 Matt Concordia
OK. On the lowertime frame, so remember what I said about layering it up between the hourly andthen the then the your entry time frames. Oh, I keep clicking the wrong one.
00:48:49 Matt Concordia
I usually layerthe Gray box with a green box, which means that I have an hourly level mixedwith an intraday time frame level or a 5 minute level. And so when I have thesetwo types of things plus everything is lined up like, I love that, that's whenI'd like to enter and so right here we have a breaker and we have a fair valuegap right here. So we have fair value gap.
00:49:08 Matt Concordia
Breaker sweep ofhourly liquidity time is all is all good. Plus we had major higher timeframepoint of interest right there. So this would have been a really, really goodentry at 7:40 right somewhere around there 7.
00:49:22 Matt Concordia
But yeah, justwhere we're at right now. It's just not there, so.
00:49:25 Chris Gonzalez
Yeah, I wanted toask like, what was that horizontal line and we had the one that is at 671price.
00:49:29 Matt Concordia
Which one?
00:49:36 Matt Concordia
This one here.
00:49:36 Chris Gonzalez
No, the lowerone, the yeah, no, yeah.
00:49:38 Matt Concordia
60 this one.
00:49:40 Matt Concordia
0671 Yeah, thatwas the major, major liquidity down here the.
00:49:43 Matt Concordia
00:49:43 Chris Gonzalez
I I just got losta little bit.
00:49:45 Matt Concordia
Yeah, all good.So that was this one right here.
00:49:49 Matt Concordia
Major, majorliquidity. So again.
00:49:52 Matt Concordia
We're still downat that level. We're we still purged all that that level. You can see thatdaily order block right there held 50% likely to come take out this low. Thenwe'll have to see how it closes, right? I mean we close back below below the50%, but it's it, it closed and then immediately went right back up. So it'sit's hard to tell. You have to wait for the daily to kind of confirm if that'sactually still going to hold or not.
00:50:15 Chris Gonzalez
Just to point outsomething.
00:50:17 Chris Gonzalez
Can you go back?
00:50:18 Matt Concordia
Yes, Sir.
00:50:20 Chris Gonzalez
Look where itreacted and what we ended up respecting to left like or in the left. You cansee it is very clear.
00:50:30 Chris Gonzalez
Above our orderblock the one that we tested with the 50%.
00:50:34 Matt Concordia
This one righthere.
00:50:37 Chris Gonzalez
To the.
00:50:37 Chris Gonzalez
00:50:38 Chris Gonzalez
Like back intime.
00:50:40 Chris Gonzalez
The gap.
00:50:41 Matt Concordia
Oh yeah, deckback here. Yep. Good call.
00:50:44 Matt Concordia
Yeah, thatinefficiency, that true inefficiency in price, right?
00:50:50 Chris Gonzalez
There. So forpeople that are learning, those are.
00:50:54 Chris Gonzalez
Very importantlevels and you can see its reaction.
00:50:59 Chris Gonzalez
He just held it.
00:51:00 Matt Concordia
Yeah, you can seethat those are the really the true support and resistances, these gaps andstuff like that. It's just really nice to mark them out and and so you can seeand you can see how well these.
00:51:11 Matt Concordia
This order blockhere, right? It got broken down through. Look at how well the 50% is used onthe other side order block here 50% respect it. So I mean it's just gorgeous,man. When you when you when you see this happen happening repeatedly it's likeholy, it's just incredible.
00:51:29 Matt Concordia
But yeah, that'swhat I'd be looking at, and it's probably just gonna continue down. Let's see815-828-2058.
00:51:37 Chris Gonzalez
Melted. It didn'thave enough time. It was Friday, people.
00:51:38 Matt Concordia
00:51:41 Matt Concordia
Yeah, right. Soexactly, but Friday. So remember Friday.
00:51:42 Chris Gonzalez
And look how itexpanded.
00:51:48 Matt Concordia
You're looking ata retracement of 30% right, 20 to 30%. So let me just delete everything herequickly.
00:51:56 Matt Concordia
Because that'sthe TGIF right. That's the iptf. So.
00:52:01 Matt Concordia
What you'relikely to see is a retracement of let me just put this in here.
00:52:06 Matt Concordia
00:52:07 Matt Concordia
Minimum 20% we'llsay, OK. So if I go back to my 5 minute chart.
00:52:14 Matt Concordia
That we are verylikely now that we've run major, major, major major liquidity.
00:52:20 Matt Concordia
Where it verylikely.
00:52:22 Matt Concordia
To get aretracement back up into that level, right back up into that 20%, that's all.That's all that. That is. Again, you have to wait for your setup, like youcan't just long it just because you feel like longing it. But again, it's.
00:52:35 Chris Gonzalez
Especiallybecause you have that low, the main one.
00:52:38 Matt Concordia
Exactly. Yeah,the main one back down here.
00:52:42 Matt Concordia
Wherever it is.
00:52:43 Chris Gonzalez
And we deletedit.
00:52:44 Matt Concordia
Oh yeah, that'sfine.
00:52:49 Matt Concordia
So there it is,right back up into that.
00:52:50 Matt Concordia
20% yeah.
00:52:52 Matt Concordia
And that would beessentially it for the for the week for me.
00:52:56 Chris Gonzalez
You're weak, andfor me, for sure.
00:52:58 Matt Concordia
Because that myliquidity draw has been hit, so there's there's nothing, there's nothing elsethat I would be wanting to do. You know, here's your inversion. So if you werelooking for some sort of long, you'd be looking for something like that.
00:53:16 Chris Gonzalez
And I didn't evenget it.
00:53:18 Matt Concordia
So yeah, that'sthat's it. I feel like that was a good session. It was, at least we got a wegot one trade, we got a full analysis there. Let's just Fast forward again tothe next day open. So this is how the actual week ended up closing. And soyeah, there was there was an entry there at at 10:00 AM right for the lungs.
00:53:38 Matt Concordia
Right at thatpurge, there's your fair value gap.
00:53:41 Matt Concordia
And take it long.
00:53:42 Chris Gonzalez
That's downcandle BG.
00:53:44 Matt Concordia
Exactly. Sothere. There was an opportunity here for sure we let's go investigate it onthe.
00:53:50 Matt Concordia
On the lowertimeframes?
00:53:50 Chris Gonzalez
Even until youleft, it seems like low resistance liquidity.
00:53:53 Matt Concordia
For sure this isall low resistance liquidity, all low resistance right from here. Literallythis whole thing from this high all the way down, you see all.
00:54:01 Matt Concordia
This trend linelike.
00:54:04 Matt Concordia
That is a bunchof liquidity, so this could have been taken absolutely again. For me. It's finethough, because we we did everything that we needed to do for the week. We tookthat short there and on a Friday 10:30, it definitely could have taken it, butit's all good is what it is especially right here as soon as you hit you hitthat.
00:54:22 Matt Concordia
Level and thenwhat do you get right here?
00:54:24 Matt Concordia
Five minuteinverted on the.
00:54:25 Matt Concordia
Side that's atelltale sign. Right? Where? OK, if it's going to continue down, it shouldrespect that. It closes back above, comes back in, retest that closes backabove fair value gap. We have more traffic right here, right. Fair value gapright here. So this was a potential entry. And this actually to take back up atleast up into.
00:54:44 Matt Concordia
This high so.
00:54:47 Matt Concordia
Yeah, but that'sit. That's I'm I'm completely fine with that. That was a a good little a goodlittle weak cerroni.
00:54:54 Chris Gonzalez
Now I'm prettyhappy, I just have to apologize.
00:54:58 Chris Gonzalez
Because I made alot of weird noises with my nose.
00:55:02 Chris Gonzalez
And mouth. No,no, little sick.
00:55:03 Matt Concordia
00:55:04 Chris Gonzalez
And nothing thatI really enjoyed it this session.
00:55:06 Matt Concordia
Yeah. No, it'sall good. You, you couldn't hear anything. So don't even worry about it. Butyeah, we're we're we're struggling. But the boys are struggling here, man withthe sick.
And now you'relike.
00:55:15 Matt Concordia
This is, I thinkwe've been sick for. Ohh God, I don't even know how long, but yeah, it's been awhile. Hopefully feel better and do some more of these sessions. Man today wasreally good after the technical difficulties, but yeah, we're we're back. We'reback, baby. I'm back. Yes, Sir. Awesome. Thank you guys. Yeah.
00:55:24 Chris Gonzalez
00:55:33 Chris Gonzalez
Thank you verymuch.
00:55:35 Matt Concordia
Yeah. Thank youguys so much, Chris. I don't know if you.
00:55:37 Matt Concordia
Want to sayanything?
00:55:38 Chris Gonzalez
Else no, no. Iwant to just thank you. I wanted to thank you for sharing the time and and evendoing this, which we've done before together life.
00:55:41 Matt Concordia
OK, awesome.
00:55:49 Chris Gonzalez
I just enjoyed ita lot and and and learn a lot, so I hope you all guys that are watching us.
00:55:56 Chris Gonzalez
Get the samebenefit as I do.
00:55:59 Matt Concordia
That's awesome,man. I appreciate that. And yeah, dude, this is such a pleasure highlight of myof my day. To be able to come and do this with you. So love you, brother.Appreciate you and appreciate everyone else here for watching. We'll catch youguys in the next. Cheers.
00:56:05 Chris Gonzalez
Same same.
00:56:06 Chris Gonzalez
00:56:06 Chris Gonzalez
My man.
See you.